QDIS (Workshop on Quantization, Dualities & Integrable Systems) is the biggest workshop of the Mathematical and Theoretical Physics Community in Turkey. I participated at the 18th workshop of the series with a talk titled
” Unitary states and their inner products at the late time boundary of de Sitter”.
When scalar fields on de Sitter are rephrased in terms of unitary irreducible representations of the de Sitter symmetry group, light fields belong to representations that have very different properties than representations that correspond to heavy fields. In this talk we will first summarize how to recognize scalar fields on de Sitter as unitary irreducible representations of the de Sitter symmetry group in d+1 dimensions, SO(d+1,1), from their late time behaviour. We will then construct states that correspond to light and heavy fields and discuss their well defined inner products separately. We will conclude by raising the question whether there exist technical differences in the calculation of two point functions of light and heavy fields as well.